What is Caring Hands for Angels?
Caring Hands for Angels is a volunteer project started by a small group of women who understand, some through personal experience, what it means to lose a baby. Whether motivated by a personal loss or simply by the universal human understanding of loss and grief, project volunteers strive to bring comfort to parents at a traumatic time. The caring hands of Caring Hands for Angels use donated wedding dresses to sew lovely gowns and buntings, and they also knit and crochet bonnets and booties for babies who die at Golisano Children’s Hospital at the University of Rochester Medical Center (Strong Memorial Hospital) in Rochester, NY.

Our Work
It is estimated that in one year at Golisano Children’s Hospital in Rochester, New York, more than 100 babies never get to go home. They die either in the Labor & Delivery Unit, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), or the Cardiac NICU. Our project goal is to honor these precious lives by clothing each baby in a beautiful gown for the last time they will be held by their parents. At a time when families are grieving, we are hopeful that our small gesture of recognition of and respect for their infant will provide some comfort for their families.
How You Can Help
If you can sew simple garments, knit, or crochet, we’d love for you to join us. You can find more information in our FAQ and Wish List sections. We are also in need of materials and supplies to make the baby items. If you are cleaning out a closet and come across any of these needed materials, please feel free to contact us. We would be forever grateful!

Your Help Is Always Welcome
Please drop us a line anytime. One of our volunteers will respond to you as soon as possible.